Wow....when I was seven years old, I was still begging my older brother for piggy back rides!
It was obvious to me that our grandson was in a mode of feeling older and it felt good to him.
Why then, could I not be in this same mode of feeling younger????? I can! I can be any age I choose to be. My face is as beautiful as I want it to be, and my body......Oh I love this one....is perfect! With this thought in mind, is it any surprise that when I weighed recently on vacation, I had lost six pounds? In all the right places! WooHoo!!!!
I love pampering myself.....I love looking in the mirror, giving myself a wink, and saying "Hey you....have I told you how much I love you today?"
or...."My, aren't you gorgeous?"
Self love is so important. I have a sign hanging in my closet where I dress every day (my closet is HUGE) that reads: "TREATING MYSELF LIKE A PRECIOUS JEWEL WILL ONLY MAKE ME STRONG!" I once read this sentence in a book. I wish I could remember the author so I could give them credit, but the quote spoke such loud volumes to me that I "forgot to remember" anything else!
Now, when I hear someone entering the battle field of "disregarding themselves," I often step up and correct them! I know I am a little bossy, but I can hardly hear anyone partake in negative self-talk, without it hurting my ears....
My sister recently stopped by. As she was leaving, she said "I feel fat!" OUCH!!!!! I asked "What are you talking about, have you looked in the mirror today?"........"YOU are beautiful and it is important that you tell "YOU" that!"
When we begin to see the "greatness" in ourselves, we begin to see the "greatness" in others. Try it, it works! When we love ourselves....it is then that we are truly capable of loving others.
My friend, Jeannette Maw, has a perfect article on the subject. Use a potty break to love yourself!
Find a way to give yourself a hug today! You'll be glad you did, and so will I!
Teena E. Mason
I love the sign in the closet idea, Teena! Another great place we women have a tendency to be hard on ourselves. What a great way to start the day off with a better feeling thought of self.
Thanks for spreading the good word on self love and appreciation. It truly is key to manifesting what we want, isn't it?!
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