I am back from a yearly vacation to the beach! We had a great time, once I reminded myself to love "moi!"
When we got to our roomy condo, everyone started to relax. There were eleven of us who took this trip! Our three girls, their families and my husband and myself.
I had set some core values before we arrived. I set the intention for:
1. Fun
2. Harmony between all
3. A connection with nature
4. Deeper spiritual connection
The second day we were there, I found myself in the kitchen most of the afternoon. I cooked the evening meal, cleaned the kitchen twice and made a breakfast casserole that needed to be refrigerated overnight. I also had put three loads of towels (mostly beach towels) in to wash, dried them, folded them & put them away.
While I was toiling away, everyone else was on vacation!!!! They were at the beach, reading a book, watching a movie, etc....
The thought came to my mind "Hey, Teena I love you too much to let you do ALL the work!" So....I took a long, hot bath, checked my e-mail and began a new book that I really wanted to read. I began to recognize things about me that I loved (some I already knew, but I began to add to that list). I took some deep breaths and decided the next day would be much different!
When I awoke the following morning, my oldest daughter announced that they had talked and I was not going to do any cooking that day! She had set up a schedule for who would cook which meals and everyone took turns! She said "that way, we will all get beach time & have time to relax!"
Thank you, Sweetie! and.....thank you, Teena, for loving yourself enough to let the 'good stuff' in!
One of our son-in-laws took care of the laundry that day, while the other one tidied up the condo! Hubby was the overseer and did a variety of things himself!
From that time on.....we all had a lot of time to relax, go to the beach & enjoy our vacation!
Wow! Things open up when we are being good to ourselves, no doubt.
Louise L. Hay says "Loving yourself is the most powerful thing you can do, then everything else flows!"
Loving yourself is simply respecting and appreciating "YOU!"
Are you being really good to yourself? Hope so! That's when the 'good stuff' flows right to you!
Teena Mason
Flowing Vibe Coach
Nice example of what self love looks like and results in, Coach!
Thanks for sharing an inspiring story - these are good reminders!
Thanks, Jeannette. Inspiring stories are our reminders indeed!
Thanks for commenting!
Flowing Vibes Coach
Read your post at a most opportune time on Friday - kid was out with his special worker for the afternoon. Home alone, with almost 4 hours of kid-free focus, I crafted a comment for you that was great fun! Good thing too, because it is presently Lost In Cyberspace.
I thought about writing another comment, and then thought better - I heeded your advice and took advantage of my gift of time.
Thanks, Coach Teena!
Thanks Anna! So glad you took your gift of time! Just what I had hoped reader's would do!
Thanks for your post!
Flowing Vibes Coach
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